
Archive for March 6th, 2008


The other day I had a conversation with a friend about labels. I was explaining that I actively considered myself part of the emerging church. I say this because I have always loved what is emerging in general.

What is interesting is that in most of the world, emerging is appreciated. In business the world, emerging is the new business that radically transforms our lives and the way we live. In our homes, emerging is the new flat panel that sits on our desktop and takes up sooooooo little space. In our garage, emerging is the new car that now has integrated satellite navigation. In schools, emerging is the minds of so much promise waiting to make positive change in the world. In politics, emerging is Kiva and its capacity to bring real possibility for change in third world countries. In science, emerging is the new vaccine that cures a serious disease. In technology, emerging is the new iPod we so desperately want and crave at Christmas time. In nature, emerging is the dawn of spring that releases a festival of color.

But in the church, emerging is bad. Why is that? Why are we so afraid of God doing something new in our midst? I’m serious. Is it possible that God could be doing something new in our midst, something we’ve never seen before? What’s your take?

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